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- Agricultural conservation case studies
CTA Introduction
This data set is used to introduce Conservation Technology Assessments, including Randomized Control Trial analysis.
Iowa, ARS-NRCS 1, Treatments 1 through 35
Nashua research plots, 1990-2003
Iowa, ARS-NRCS 2, Treatments 1 through 35
Nashua research plots, 1990-2003
Iowa, ARS-NRCS, Treatments 1 through 12, Tillage Only
Randomized complete block tillage data for 1990 to 1992. Crop blocks are continuous corn, corn in rotation, and soybeans in rotation. Tillage treatments are no-till, chisel plow, moldboard plow and ridge-till.
Iowa, Nashua Conservation Tillage 108 Corn and Soybean Budget data set
ARS, Nashua tillage datasets combining treatments 01 to 12 into crop/tillage treatments.
Iowa, Plots, Alternative Plot Structure
Iowa, Plots, Alternative Plot Structure
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